When it comes to infographic images you must start with great data!

Without credible data your infographic is, well… quite frankly, just another graphic or image. What makes an outstanding infographic, much like an outstanding website, is relevant content.  An infographic must tell a story.  Assist your audience in identifying a problem, using data to support your claims surrounding the problem, and how to solve it.

Understanding your audience will play a key role in determining how your content will be presented. You should consider your followers on social media. Also consider who you’d like to attract as followers. Some things to consider are the types of images you will be using in the infographic, the layout, and jargon.  Because most infographics are created with the intent to be shared across social media it’s advised to avoid the use of a lot of industry jargon. While you may think  it sounds really cool and displays your knowledge on a topic, odd are most people don’t care. Yes, this may sound harsh but it’s the truth. Social media is all about connecting and interacting. If you don’t resonate with people on a personal level they’re going to move on.

What’s in a name?

A proper title is arguably more important than the infographic itself.  This is the hook that pulls them in. Without a compelling title no one is going to open the image. In the world of social media things move fast. People are bombarded with so much content on a daily basis they’ve become numb to much of it. You need to stand out. Ask yourself, what makes your infographic special? And what you entice you to open the image?

The title is your 5-second pitch to grab the viewers attention. Notice the difference between the titles, “10 best ways to be more efficient” and “how to be more efficient”.  Which one would you choose? It’s all about presentation. If you’ve spent any amount of time on social media you know there are many items in your feed that just get passed over.  Who has the time to read everything?

Don’t let your infographic be one of those items lost in the noise!  Stand out.

Promote it!

Once you have an amazing new infographic you need to promote it online.  One of the best ways you can help yourself is by posting the infographic to your site and sharing the link.  As hard as it may be, avoid the urge to immediately sharing on social media. To be effective you must think strategically.

Sharing from your website provides two major benefits over sharing directly to social media sites: authority and retention. Driving traffic to your site reinforces your authority on a topic. It also prevents them from running into distractions (or even competitors). This is your time to shine. While on your website, a reader may even find another article or two that peaks their interest.  Ultimately, the goal should be getting people to your site and keeping them there.

If jumping into the world of infographics sounds like something you are interested in, please contact us today to discuss our specialized multimedia strategies.

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