What is Website Development and Why Do I need it?

Website development takes attention to detail, and special website crafting abilities. What does the Jerry Springer Show have in common with your website?  No, it’s not that it’s tasteless.  But it’s likely that your site was designed by someone who, last year at this time was out of work, sitting at home watching Jerry Springer when they saw an ad that promised a rewarding career in website development–  in just 9 months. That’s why there are so many bad websites out there.  Unfortunately, odds are, you’ve probably paid good money for a couple of them, but that’s why you’re here. There’s no question, creating websites can be easy.  Heck, most middle-schoolers know how to throw together a website these days.  But effective website development is a completely different story.  Intentionally developing a business tool that gets tons of traffic and converts visitors into buyers isn’t so simple.  That’s because the creation of an effective website requires a team of skilled specialists. You can’t expect one guy, with 9 months of training to be a skilled graphic artist, a proficient programmer, a master copy writer and a talented internet marketer.   Each of those areas can take years to master.  That’s why Red Rocket has a team of specialists.  That way, you’re guaranteed that your project is being handled by multiple experts rather than a jack-of-all-trades.

But I took a web design class in college. Can’t I do it myself?

Website development and internet marketing: that’s all we do.  If you’re thinking that your last site was designed by a team of people at some fancy ad agency, you’re right.  You got a team of people, but not a team of specialists.  Yesterday, those same people were planning a corporate event or meeting with the printer for a press check.  Guess what our guys were doing?  Working on their specialties. It takes more than just a couple of classes to truly understand how to make websites effective.

With more than a decade of experience, it’s difficult to spell out all of the details that go into the creation of an effective website.  But we can tell you this; we do everything by the numbers.  In a business where small details matter, we’ve become accustomed to making lists.  Here are just a few of the proprietary lists by which we abide:

  • The 106-Point SEO Checklist
  • The 100 Universal Principles of Design
  • And Jack Trout’s 11 Immutable Laws of Internet Branding.

To put our experience to work for you, just give us a call and we’ll talk.  No pressure.  Just straight-shooting.  Our office number is 970-674-0079.


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