The conversation amongst web designers as of late has been whether or not to build sites using responsive design methods – sites that are designed to provide a consistent user-experience regardless of browsing device.

The upside is of course the aforementioned consistency – however, in a market such as Northern Colorado – the required resources to build responsive sites would most likely mean other facets of marketing small business would be neglected.

At Red Rocket, our design team is constantly seeking out bleeding-edge technologies that help make our clients stand out. Whether it’s refining a specific message to the masses, or implementing technology to enrich a user-experience, that search is a large part of our daily process.

When it comes to responsive design, we believe that there are alternative solutions that fit every small business need – and may indeed be that hybrid solution that eases the growing pains and ensure our client’s success at the next level – when responsive web design can fit more comfortably in their plans.

In closing, Red Rocket is committed to providing your website visitors with a consistent user-experience that reinforces your company’s brand – and our site optimization process is a very competitive alternative to designing a responsive web site.

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