How Digital Marketing Lowers Advertising Costs

Drive Sales and Conversions with Digital Marketing

Are you ready to take your business marketing to another level? Beyond brand strategy, web design, and SEO, our Fort Collins based digital marketing agency can help you to maintain consistency across all of your marketing.  That might include:

  • designing your new logo, Facebook page, or email signatures
  • developing your Constant Contact email templates
  • writing next year’s marketing plan.

Answer this: When was the last time you re-evaluated your marketing plan? Do you actually have one? If you’ve been coasting on the same marketing tactics for a few years, chances are they are already out of date. Despite a constantly changing playing field, digital marketing has been proven to provide the highest return when compared to traditional forms of marketing. It has been shown to help reduce advertising costs.



Here’s why: Most forms of advertising require you to force your message on customers at a time when they’re not interested. For instance, when they’re reading the paper, they’re not there to read about your company. They’re just trying to read the news. Your message is seen as an annoyance. While you may get your name in front of a lot more people, conversion is low. You’re paying a small fortune for that physical ad’s wide reach, not its efficiency.

Tighten Your Target, Increase Your Conversions

With digital marketing, however, when people are searching for your product or service, it’s not a matter of converting viewers into customers. They’re already looking to buy. It’s just about convincing them to buy from you. While your reach may not cover as many demographics, your advertising is much more targeted. It’s like fishing in the ocean versus fishing in a stocked pond. There are more fish in the ocean, but I guarantee you’ll get more bites in the pond.

If you can make sure that your website or Facebook profile is easily found when potential customers come looking, you no longer have to spend a fortune to maintain “top of mind brand awareness.” However, this does require expertise. Just like a well-made billboard doesn’t accomplish anything if it’s in the wrong location, a well-designed web presence doesn’t accomplish anything if your digital marketing team doesn’t know how to get it seen.

That’s not us. We’ve been perfecting digital marketing in Fort Collins, CO for years. At Red Rocket, we’ve seen what works and what doesn’t, so we know how to tailor your company’s marketing strategy to be most effective for your business. We’ll get your message out to the people you want to see it, and we’ll help you entice them to buy in greater numbers.

What We’ve Done For Others

Time to Upgrade your Digital Marketing

You’ve settled for sub-par marketing for too long. It’s time to upgrade. If you have a nagging feeling that your business could be doing better if only you got it in front of the right people, you’re probably right. We take great care to educate you so you understand what we do and why. This is a team effort, and we want to keep you in the loop.

Whether you need someone to refresh the look and functionality of your website or you want help reaching the top page of Google search results give us a call.

Why Digital Marketing Matters

If you want to connect with customers and grow your brand and business, there’s one place you have to be: online. Digital marketing with the help of a local marketing agency puts your company on the map and is crucial to growing any type of business.


The simple definition of marketing is any activity associated with advertising or sharing about your business, especially in a way that adds value to potential customers. Traditional marketing methods include reaching out by phone, sending print mailers, running TV commercials, and a host of other things. But traditional marketing isn’t enough. Modern customers expect more from companies, and how people live and shop is changing. One survey found that 70% of marketers believe that traditional marketing is no longer sufficient to promote a business and generate income. Instead of focusing on traditional marketing, successful companies today build strategies around digital marketing and find great success.


Digital marketing matters to your business. The importance of marketing can’t be overstated—especially when it takes a to the internet and connects you to a new generation of customers.



Go Where Your Customers Are: Online

One of the biggest benefits of internet marketing is that it puts you squarely in front of potential customers. An estimated half of the world’s population is on the Internet around the world. On top of that, 97% of U.S. adults are on social media at least once a month, and the vast majority are on it daily. Traditional marketing like a billboard or mailer might introduce your company to only a small group of people who actually look at it, but on the internet, you have the potential to reach countless new customers.


Online consumers actually want to connect with businesses. One of the reasons people browse the internet and social media is to find out about new businesses and research potential products and services. They are looking for businesses, so your company needs to be prominent online. A strong digital marketing strategy can match your company with people who are actively searching for it online. Over a two-year period, mobile searches for “____ near me today/tonight” grew by 900%. That’s a staggering number that shows just how many people are searching for businesses online—especially businesses in their area. If a company doesn’t focus on digital marketing, they run the risk of being overlooked online and missing out on potential customers.


Digital marketing matters because it puts you in front of customers. You don’t have to go chasing after people who don’t want to hear your message—you can go to where they are and help them find what they are looking for.

Build Relationships With Customers

Marketing online stands out from other marketing methods because it allows companies to build real relationships with their customers and potential customers. In the past, many marketing companies focused on traditional marketing or sending a one-way message. A company would air a commercial or take out a print ad but never get any feedback from customers. They didn’t really know who was listening to their marketing, if they liked it, if it helped them make a purchase, or if there was something the company could do to adjust or improve their marketing strategy.


Digital marketing is the complete opposite. The internet is a social place and made to build connections and start conversations. Digital marketing offers a two-way dialogue where brands can talk to customers and get nearly instant feedback. They can learn about their customers and build strong relationships. Customers are much more likely to do business with a company they feel connected with instead of just a company they see a billboard for. Those relationships are crucial for growing a business and creating a loyal band of customers.


The internet also allows companies to be more personable and take more risks. Companies can add a human element to their marketing that can’t be achieved on other channels. Many customers go on the internet looking to make friends and have fun and are excited when they can get that from a company.


Digital marketing matters because it makes companies more personable and helps build strong relationships.



Create Personalized Experiences

A traditional marketing tactic can reach 10,000 people, but if they aren’t the right people for the business, that approach is useless. Digital marketing allows companies to tailor their approach for different types of customers. With the help of digital marketing experts, companies can drill down to target only certain types of customers with a particular message. Creating personalized experiences allows companies to focus on the quality of potential customers they reach instead of the quantity. A great commercial can get lots of views, but if it is advertising a preschool and is seen almost entirely by college students without children, it isn’t very effective. That can be turned around with targeted digital marketing campaigns.


Modern customers crave unique experiences. They want to feel valued and seen and not get the same one-size-fits-all message as everyone else. Even the slightest change to a message for different groups of people can be incredibly effective. A local mechanic may have one type of message that runs on websites and social media pages visited by young professionals and a slightly different message that runs on websites visited by parents. Slight changes to the message create personalized experiences that resonate with customers and are more likely to lead to a sale.


Marketing online matters because it treats each customer as an individual and offers a chance for companies to build personalized experiences.


Leverage Data Analytics To Better Understand Customers

The internet is made of data. Companies today have access to more data than ever before. That data can be a goldmine for understanding customers and creating approaches that match what they are looking for. Without data, much of marketing is taking a shot in the dark and hoping the right person sees the right message at the right time. But with data, companies can understand what their potential customers are searching for, the time they go are online, how much money they want to spend, and even what they think of your company. Data analytics opens doors that were previously closed in terms of creating effective marketing campaigns that customers are interested in.

Instead of just sending a message into the world, you can track who is seeing it and if it is effective. Traditional marketers often don’t know if their campaigns are effective. But with digital marketing, website design companies can help businesses see exactly how many people are clicking to the website from each ad and how many sales are created from each tactic. Those numbers can help refine the overall marketing strategy and make it more effective. Using data properly not only helps businesses understand their customers better, but it helps them cut down on wasted resources on ineffective marketing efforts.


Digital marketing matters because it leverages data to be effective and personal.

Cost-Effective Digital Marketing

Marketing is notoriously expensive. It can be difficult for a small company or one just getting started to have the resources to invest in a full marketing campaign. In many cases, companies have to spend money to make money, but they’re spending money they might not even have.


Digital marketing is much more cost-effective. For one, there aren’t physical things that need to be created, such as posters, flyers, or large-scale events. In fact, many aspects of digital marketing, including content marketing through social media and blogs, is actually free and can be incredibly effective. Marketing online doesn’t require as much time to produce and implement in many cases, which means companies can be more agile without spending huge amounts of money. If a company finds out that their marketing isn’t very effective, they can easily make changes to an internet ad instead of having the extra cost of printing new posters or filming a new commercial.


Because digital marketing can be more targeted, the cost per sale or cost per customer is usually quite lower than with traditional marketing. Companies can spend money with confidence knowing that they are reaching the right people who are likely to lead to a sale instead of just sending out an expensive mass message that might not yield results.


Digital marketing matters because it is cost-effective and accessible. A company doesn’t have to be established or large to make a big impact with internet marketing.

Digital marketing is a powerful force for creating a strong brand and finding potential customers. Without a strong digital marketing strategy, companies aren’t likely to succeed. The future of marketing is on the internet and digital marketing helps businesses of all sizes build a strong online presence, connect with customers, and strengthen those relationships. All companies need marketing, and all companies need internet marketing.

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