How to Increase Conversion Rates: Different Learning Styles

Website design can be tough, especially if you have low conversion rates.  Here are some more tips to improve your conversion rates.

Did you know that some people learn better by reading something than they do by watching a demonstration?  Or how about doing it yourself?  Which is best for you? There are three basic types of learners: visual, auditory and kinesthetic.

Visual learners tend to grasp information more easily if they are able to see charts, graphs, pictures etc. as part of a presentation.

Auditory learners, on the other hand, prefer to listen to something.  I for one, get very little out of an audio-only presentation.  My wife will sometimes read me something from a book and I have to get her to repeat it or let me read it for myself because it just goes in one ear and out the other when I hear something.

Kinesthetic learners learn by actually pick things up and touching them.  Provide them with an in-person demo and they’re likely to buy.  They have to get their hands on things before buying though.

Try incorporating content into your site so that you’re using each of the different learning styles.  That way you’re not just speaking your own language.  You have to speak their learning language too.  Visual learners for instance like it when you use words that are visual words.  For example, a visual learner would say “See you later” while an auditory learner would say “Talk with you later.”  Think about words or phrases that are visual…

Here are a few visual phrases:

  • Looks like…
  • See this…
  • Picture this…
  • Visualize yourself…

Here are a few auditory phrases:

  • Sounds like…
  • Listen…
  • I heard…

Here are a few kinesthetic phrases:

  • Hands-on…
  • Pick it up…
  • Grab a bite to eat…
  • Lift…
  • Touch…

I hope that helps!

Chadd Bryant:
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