Keeping Up with Google’s Recent Changes

We’ve been hearing a lot of chatter in the SEO community about people changing up their strategies so drastically that could actually be detrimental to their efforts!

So how can you be keeping up with Google’s recent changes? The simple truth is, if you’ve been doing SEO right, you have nothing to worry about. What Google is changing has nothing to do with some crazy new strategy you’ll have to do a bunch of tests on. We feel that they’re making things better for everyone. Here are some quick tips to help you navigate your way through the most recent change:


  • Keep cranking out that content, and you’ll be fine. Don’t slack on writing blog posts. Google wants to know that you’re keeping your readers up to date!
  • Stay on topic. When you’re blogging, don’t venture off in conversation about unrelated topics. Stay laser focused  on your topics.
  • Provide useful content. The Hummingbird update is partly about usefulness, so focus on being the authority of your topic.
  • Know your competition. Be better at what you do than your competition, and prove it through your content. Use statistics and attribution to relevant news sources as often as you can.
Chadd Bryant:

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