Vacation Rentals in Ellicottville: SEO

Ellicottville Vacation Rentals SEO

Ellicottville is a small town in northern New York near Buffalo. It has a population of around 2000 and is a great place to own a second home or a vacation rental property. Even though, it has a small population, it has a tough rental market.

Vacation rentals in Ellicottville is a surprisingly competitive term. Google shows about 29,200 competitors for the phrase “vacation rentals in Ellicottville.” This means that to be at the top of Google’s rankings for this phrase, you have to beat out around 29,000 other websites.

Remember, when it comes to search engine optimization, your competitors are not the folks you’re competing with business in the real world. Instead, your competition is each and every website ranked for the keyphrase you’re after.

Chadd Bryant:
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