The Power of Email Autoresponders

Did you know that the Internet offers the most amazing opportunity to generate leads and follow up with them automatically?

Do you know what autoresponders are?

Sure you do.  You’ve seen the standard “out of office” email replies that get fired off automatically when your basking in the sun on a beach far from home.  If your email can automatically send messages to people when you’re gone, why not leverage that power and put it to work for yourself?

Any sales person will tell you that the key to success is in the follow up.  The sales person who follows up will undoubtedly be the most successful.   Then why is follow up so hard to do?  Because even the best intentions always get pushed aside when other things creep in.  That’s why email autoresponders are so powerful.  They work for you when you’re too busy.

So, if you’re thinking that you don’t want to tell people that you’re out of the office, you don’t have to.  You can make your messages say anything.  And even better, you can create a series of emails that are automatically sent out at pre-determined intervals.

Here’s how a typical series might work.  Let’s say you go to a web site and see an enticing free offer for a white paper.  You enter your email address so they know where to send it.  Then you check your email and the report is there.  They could then choose to follow up with you automatically 7 days later to see if you enjoyed the white paper.  That follow up email was also pre-composed and was sent automatically by a computer.  There wasn’t actually someone sitting in their office sending off the emails at midnight.  This can continue forever.  You can set emails to go out every week, every month, every day, it doesn’t matter.  It’s really a great way to keep in touch and follow up like never before.  All you do is write the emails, and forget about them.  Your customers think that you’re working hard to send them emails but you can be on that beautiful beach.

And, in this bad economy, why not use email as a marketing tool since it’s free?

Until tomorrow…

Chadd Bryant

Chadd Bryant:

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