Search Goes Social… Again

Some Google Account users may have noticed a recent change in their search results. Google’s recently-released “+1 Button” has been stirring up conversations about how search fits into the social graph.

But what does Google+ really mean for users? Is it meant to compete with the functions of Facebook or Twitter? We say yes. And even though Google is an international powerhouse, let’s not forget last year’s Google Buzz, and how miserably it failed at its attempts to be the next Twitter.

Does Google+ have what it takes to keep Mark Zuckerberg and company on their toes? Will 140-character Tweets no longer be sufficient to update your friends? There’s only one way to find out; try it yourself!

If you’d like to try out Google+, and you haven’t received an invite, email chris@thinkredrocket.com, and we’ll send you one!

Chadd Bryant:
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