In-depth Research Pays Big Returns for SEO

Well, it looks like Google has been at it again.  They’re always making little tweaks to their algorithm which cause website rankings to bounce up or down a couple positions, but last week Google announced yet another shake up with regard to the way they rank sites.  It comes as no surprise that sites with better content will rank higher on Google but it’s official now.  The smart minds at Google have figured out a way to determine the value of a page’s content now.  Before, they could tell you if a word was found on a particular page, but now they can tell you whether that page’s content is valuable.   Is it drivel or is it research?  Did it involve testing and have in-depth reports?   Bottom line is that if it’s better content, it will now rank better.

Content is king has been the mantra on the Web for years but now, it’s more important than ever.  Hope that helps.

Chadd Bryant:

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