Keep it fresh!

Recently I took a trip to Florida to visit the newly opened  LEGOLAND®.

All I can say is, Awesome! But as a web designer, one of the things I found interesting was how well their website, a virtual experience, set me up for a great real life experience. The website had me sold long before I even bought a ticket. And once there i didn’t want to leave.

But one of the coolest things they did at LEGOLAND® actually had nothing to do with LEGO’s®. Basically what they did was rotate employees from ride to ride. By not having to stare at the same thing everyday or hear the same sounds over and over, it kept the job fresh for the employees. And I thought about how that was a really good approach.

When it comes to web design the same can be true. It’s so easy to get bored staring at the same screen, reading through the same code, looking at the same hexadecimal values. Why not mix it up?!

Get up and walk around, read a magazine, visit a theme park. Whatever it takes.

For instance, the way a sign at a theme park is directing “viewers” to the next roller coaster, might be the perfect solution to a sidebar. The display at a grocery store, might make an excellent banner. That color on the wall at the coffee shop, may be the basis for a color scheme on a web page. So, as your working on your own website design projects remember…
Keep it Fresh!

Chadd Bryant:

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