Fort Collins Web Design Company Weekly Link

Red Rocket, your Fort Collins Web Design Company is always on the lookout for great tools that you can use to improve your business. This week, I’ve decided to highlight a site called HootSuite. For those of you who are discovering the power of Twitter, you’ll love it. I love it because it helps to put Twitter into overdrive. For the occasional Twitter user, Twitter isn’t demanding but once you commit to using Twitter as a business tool, you’ll quickly realize that Twitter itself isn’t designed with the robust tools that are needed to manage your contacts, organize your threads and more. There are dozens of great tools that have been developed to accompany Twitter but Tweetlater.com is one of my top 5 favorites. It’s designed to help you schedule your tweets, track your keywords on Twitter, shorten URLs automatically and most importantly follow and unfollow people automatically.

With the limits placed on Twitter users, following and unfollowing people is the real key to managed growth. If you’re interested in learning more about Twitter and how you can use it as a business tool, start following me on Twitter.

I offer other great tools and tidbits of Twitter advice to all of my followers. People follow those who are providing great content and my growth of more than 1000 followers a week is proof.’

Chadd Bryant:
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